Definition of Silver nitrate

1. Noun. A nitrate used in making photographic emulsions; also used in medicine as a cautery and as a topical antibacterial agent.

Substance meronyms: Emulsion, Photographic Emulsion
Specialized synonyms: Lunar Caustic
Generic synonyms: Caustic, Nitrate

Definition of Silver nitrate

1. Noun. (inorganic compound) The silver salt of nitric acid, AgNO3; it is sensitive to light and is used in the preparation of silver halides for photography; it is used in laboratories as a reagent to test for chloride ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Silver nitrate

1. A powerful germicide, used as an antiseptic, applied topically to the conjunctiva as a prophylactic against opthalmia neonatorum, and also used as an antiseptic in infections of the skin and mucous membrane. Pharmacological action: anti-infective agents, local. Chemical name: Nitric acid silver(1+) salt (12 Dec 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Silver Nitrate

silver lace
silver lace vine
silver lactate
silver lime
silver linden
silver lining
silver linings
silver maple
silver medal
silver medalist
silver medalists
silver medallist
silver medallists
silver medals
silver mine
silver nitrate
silver oak
silver oxide
silver perch
silver pine
silver pines
silver plate
silver plated
silver plates
silver plating
silver point
silver poisoning
silver protein
silver protein stain

Literary usage of Silver nitrate

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Journal of the American Chemical Society by American Chemical Society (1914)
"The substances resulting from the reaction of cuprous and cupric sul- fide, respectively, with silver nitrate were now tested for the quantity of metallic ..."

2. Proceedings by Philadelphia County Medical Society (1900)
"He had a return-attack on the 6th of last January, and received an injection of silver-nitrate on that date. Relief followed in a short time. CASE II. ..."

3. A Dictionary of Applied Chemistry by Thomas Edward Thorpe (1912)
"silver nitrate, precipitate of metallic silver, especially in presence of ammonia, and on heating. ... silver nitrate, in strong solution, white precipitate ..."

4. Hand-book of Chemistry by Leopold Gmelin, Henry Watts (1852)
"The impure silver is dissolved in nitric acid, the solution evaporated, and the easily crystallizing silver-nitrate is separated from the deliquescent ..."

5. Manual of Qualitative Chemical Analysis by C. Remigius Fresenius, Samuel William Johnson (1883)
"silver nitrate may therefore serve, like barium chloride, to effect the separation ... silver nitrate is therefore a most excellent agent to distinguish and ..."

6. Report of the Annual Meeting (1873)
"In A and B, pieces of copper foil of the same dimensions were placed in open basins, and covered to about J of an inch with ordinary silver nitrate, ..."

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